Stuart Russell
Instrument: Trombone
Date Joined WV&HB: September 2009
Previous Bands : Kingsway Band (1988 – 1994), Milnrow Band (1998 -2009)
I took up brass playing at the age of 13 having decided against a career in the string section. My first instrument was the tenor horn, but the then MD of the band suggested that a bigger instrument was required as I was blowing the horn straight! This led to a move onto Baritone where I stayed for a number of years until a shortage of Trombone players led me to teach myself to play the trombone.
I took a break from banding at the age of 18, after which I joined my brother in playing for the Milnrow Band for ten years during which time the band worked their way through the banding rankings from second to championship section.
I was already a member of the Whitworth Veterans band, and when the call came to offer me the Solo Trombone seat in the main band it was an offer that couldn’t be refused. Over the last ten years with Whitworth I have enjoyed the highs and lows of contesting which has included three trips to the national finals, as well as many concert performances and trips to Whitworth’s twin town of Kandel in Germany.
I am also the bands’ treasurer.
Away from banding I am a Finance Manager for a Facilities Management company, as well as being a season ticket holder at Manchester United and junior team manager at Heywood Cricket Club. I am also a trustee at the Ronald McDonald Family House at Alder Hey Children’s hospital which is a charity that the band supports by giving a concert each year.